


Happy Small Business Week! What a great opportunity to celebrate the people and businesses that give our community a real personality and plenty of bragging rights. [Come on, we’ve got Torchy’s Tacos!]

When you support our local small businesses, wheels turn and good things happen.

Think about this: if enough folks shop at a local business, that business begins to see growth – with that growth, the company will in turn need more employees, maybe even a second location – this creates local work and job opportunities.

When you shop small and local, you are investing in your community: sales taxes help fund important services such as police, fire and rescue, street maintenance and more. Unlike those big box stores and chains, over 50% of the money spent at a local small business will stay right here in our neck of the woods – jackpot!

The Big Picture: Shop LOCAL and our LOCAL economy sees positive GROWTH. Besides, who wants McDonalds when you can have Dan’s Hamburgers?

‘Every time you spend your money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.’  – Anna Lappe

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