
Last month we had the chance to chat with Lani Rosales of American Genius Beat and BASHH fame and let her pick our brain – man, did she make us look good…

Via AGBeat: 



Bronko Box Owners Set Out To Solve a Common Problem

Founded in 2013 by Brooke and Bo Cox, Austin’s Bronko Box was launched to serve movers by replacing cardboard boxes and tape with stacking plastic moving boxes that the company says is not only more friendly to the environment, but costs less than disposable supplies. Customers essentially rent the boxes for a period of time, they’re delivered empty, you pack them, you move them, and when you’re unpacked, they come pick them back up.

I reviewed the company’s services myself for the Mad Betty lifestyle blog and found the service to be extremely useful and I’ve already referred people their way, but what was most fascinating is exactly how they came to be.

Read the FULL article and get to the good stuff HERE

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