
Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure, and by incorporating sustainable solutions into the process, you can ensure that your eco-footprint stays minimal. Moving can be stressful, but that doesn’t mean that it has to damage the environment.

In this guide, we will provide you with tips and techniques on how to plan an eco-friendly move, so that you can enjoy moving without worrying about the impact.

Minimize and Declutter

Before you start packing, take some time to declutter your belongings. Reducing the number of items you need to move will save time and effort, and significantly reduce the environmental impact of your move. This results in fewer trips back and forth, leading to reduced carbon emissions.

Assess Your Belongings

Go through each room and assess your belongings. Separate items into three categories: keep, donate/sell, and recycle. Consider whether each item is essential or holds sentimental value. Be realistic and part ways with things that no longer serve a purpose in your new home.

Donate, Sell, and Recycle

Organize a garage sale or post items online for sale. You can also consider donating usable items to local charities or shelters. Then, properly dispose of items that cannot be donated or sold — research local recycling centers for specific guidelines on recycling electronics, batteries, and other materials.

Use Sustainable Packing Materials

When planning your move, prioritize sustainability. One way how to plan an eco-friendly move is by using eco-friendly packing materials. Choosing sustainable alternatives over single-use plastics can significantly reduce waste and minimize your environmental impact.

Reusable Plastic Moving Boxes

Plastic moving boxes offer an excellent alternative to traditional cardboard boxes. By renting their reusable plastic moving boxes, you contribute to reducing waste and minimizing the demand for single-use materials.

The commercial-strength plastic moving containers are sturdy and durable, ensuring the safety of your belongings. These reusable boxes can withstand multiple uses and are an excellent sustainable alternative to cardboard.

Other than that, instead of spending time finding and assembling cardboard boxes, simply rent the plastic moving boxes. These plastic boxes will be delivered to you assembled and ready to use, making the packing process efficient and stress-free.

Recycled Cardboard Boxes

If you prefer using cardboard boxes, opt for recycled options. Many companies offer eco-friendly cardboard boxes made from post-consumer recycled materials. Look for boxes that are specifically labeled as recycled or made from sustainable sources.

Contact local community groups, schools, or organizations that might have surplus cardboard boxes they are willing to give away. This not only helps reduce waste but also builds connections within your community.

Eco-Friendly Wrapping Materials

To protect fragile items during your move, opt for eco-friendly wrapping materials. Use recycled paper or reusable cloth as an alternative to bubble wrap or plastic materials. You can wrap delicate items, dishes, and glassware in recycled newspaper or cloth towels to provide cushioning and protection.

Conserve Energy

As you prepare to move, don’t forget to take steps to conserve energy in your current and future homes. Here’s how you can conserve energy during your move and settle into a sustainable home. Before leaving your current home, take the following energy-saving measures.

Turn Off Lights and Electronics

Leaving lights, televisions, and other electronics on when they are not in use can contribute significantly to unnecessary energy consumption, increasing electricity bills and carbon emissions. Ensure all lights and electronics are switched off before leaving. Unplug devices or use power strips with on/off switches to prevent standby power consumption.

Adjust Your Thermostat

Heating and cooling consume a significant portion of energy, and adjusting your thermostat can be an effective way to conserve energy. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to an energy-saving level when you’re away from home. Programmable thermostats allow you to set schedules that reduce energy consumption when you don’t need the heating or cooling as much.

If you do not have a programmable thermostat, manually adjust the temperature to a more conservative level. For example, during winter, lower the temperature to 68°F (20°C), and during summer, increase the temperature to around 78°F (26°C).

Empty Refrigerator and Freezer

Refrigerators and freezers consume substantial energy, and unplugging them while you’re away can help reduce energy consumption. Empty your refrigerator and freezer before unplugging them. If possible, avoid throwing away food. Instead, try to consume or donate it.

Then, clean the inside and outside of your appliances before moving them. Ensure that they are defrosted and dry. When transferring to your new home, secure the doors to prevent spillage.

Once the appliances are empty, and doors secured, unplug them. Leave the doors open slightly to help prevent mildew growth.

Choose Green Transportation

Moving trucks and vehicles contribute significantly to carbon emissions. You can minimize your carbon footprint and make a positive impact by choosing greener transportation options.

Eco-Conscious Moving Services

When selecting a moving company, look for those that prioritize environmentally friendly practices. Inquire about the types of vehicles the moving company uses. Companies that have a fleet of fuel-efficient trucks or hybrid vehicles can significantly reduce carbon emissions during your move.

You can also look for certifications or partnerships with eco-friendly organizations that demonstrate their commitment to reducing their environmental impact.

Consolidate Trips and Share Resources

If you have flexibility in your move-out and move-in dates, plan your move to consolidate multiple trips. This reduces the overall carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Another option is to coordinate with neighbors who are also planning a move and share a moving truck or van. Combining resources can help reduce the number of vehicles on the road and decrease carbon emissions.

Dispose Responsibly

While packing, be mindful of how you dispose of unwanted items. Avoid throwing them in the trash and instead, explore recycling or donation options. Research local recycling centers or organizations that accept used furniture, electronics, and other items. This way, you’ll ensure that your unwanted belongings find new homes or get recycled instead of ending up in landfills.

Plan an Eco-Friendly Move Today

Planning an eco-friendly move is not only beneficial for the environment but also ensures a seamless and stress-free experience. By minimizing and decluttering your belongings, using sustainable packing materials, conserving energy, choosing green transportation options, and disposing of items responsibly, you can make a positive impact on the planet.

Incorporating these sustainable solutions on how to plan an eco-friendly move will not only reduce waste and carbon emissions but also build connections within your community and support organizations that accept donations. So, start planning your eco-friendly move today and enjoy the adventure while caring for the Earth.

Ready to start an eco-friendly move? Rent reusable plastic moving boxes from Bronko Box today!

More Eco-friendly Resources

Eco-Friendly Guide: How to Reduce Wasteful Packing Material